Monday, June 16, 2008

Cell Phone Crazy!!!

So, Lisa emailed today that she was trying to "keep the cell phone at bay" at least a little while longer from her oldest child. (She set up an email account thinking this would help!) I immediately brought out my, "I have all the answers...I'm a Youth Pastor's Wife" book. (Not really!) Anyway, my oldest and I have been having this same discussion lately. He is 12...well, next week will be...and he REALLY feels that a cell phone is in his best interest. I'm just so sceptical!! First of all, when could he possibly need a cell phone? He goes to school and church events. If he needs to get ahold of me from school...he can use their phone. If he needs me at church, he can walk around and find me. But, he did bring up a very valid point when I asked him what on earth he thought he needed a cell phone for. He said, "Mom, I walk home from school! And in today's society, kids get kidnapped walking home from school! What if that happened to me and I needed a phone?" Whammo!! No mom wants to hear that...but he has a VERY valid point. Right off the bat, do I say, sure, I'll get you a phone? Nope...I say, I'm never letting you out of my sight again!! Second of many other little tweens are going to want to use his phone...I guess if they all have their own, there is no need for this. And why pay for a phone that is only going to be used as he walks home from school "I.C.E.?" And how do teachers keep them from using them during the day? And if I do get him a phone for safety reasons, is it somehow robbing him of childhood? I want him to stay a kid so much that a friend reminded me today that I can no longer say that I "bought him the cutest outfit!" (I have to use much cooler lingo like, "really awesome get-up" or something!) But, knowing all he knows about the craziness that is out there...would that make him more comfortable? Probably so...but I'm with Lisa, only if it's a "Disney phone with GPS." (And I have a feeling, he won't think a Disney phone is all that great either! I can hear him now..."ummm, great...thanks, mom!") So, here's to all the parents that are trying to determine the right thing, in a society where the "right thing" is so hard to figure out!!