Nearly 2 1/2 years. That's how long we have waited for this new little addition to our family. Now - it appears in about a month or so a little girl of Chinese descent will be here with us. Mia ShyAn Xin is our 9th grandchild. Our fourth granddaughter.
Her picture is prominitely displayed along with the others. We loved her before we ever saw her picture or knew her name (An Xin). We had no idea how old she was or what her medical condition would be. She is what is called a "waiting child" - maybe better described as a child with special needs. We have prayed that her needs would be slight, that she would come to us with perfect health.
Her medical records indicate that she was born premature, and weighed 4lbs when she was taken to the orphanage and therefore was behind in her physical and mental development. She lived the first year of her life in that orphanage then was sent to live in a loving foster home. There she has learned to do all the things the other children can do. She has a beautiful smile. She is perfect. Mia will celebrate her 2nd birthday on April 17th of this year and we are so happy that she will celebrate it with us.
Anything she needs to learn, brothers Mason, Evan and Jordan are eager to teach her. She will be loved and entertained by cousins - Tara, Emma, Adam, Breanna and Brant - hopefully making the transition to America easier for her.
I think about that. We have loved her for 2 1/2 years and looked at her picture every day since November 10. She has never seen our faces. She does not know us. We pray that God will prepare her little heart for the huge changes coming her way in just a few weeks as she leaves the family who has loved and cared for her and becomes part of a family that does not look like her or speak her language. But, they will be a family that loves her deeply.
Life takes interesting turns. We are so thankful for this one.