So, here we are. Who woulda thunk and dad have a blog site. I sit here tonight reading my e-text for my Information Systems class. Can I just say that it's difficult to read a book and not be able to hold it in my hands? I can highlight though. That's kinda weird. But I'm thinking to myself..."will my kids ever know what it is to write a letter with a writing utensil?" With our innovative technology today, writing is becoming a lost art. I see it every day with my students. No wonder they can't write - everything is "omg", "idk", "lol" and "bff". What is that, anyway??? I guess this is the next best thing to journaling, which I just cannot seem to make myself do. Many of my friends have ventured into this new territory with excitement. I, on the other hand, am not so eager to have my thoughts displayed for the world to see. I guess this thing is password protected so I'm safe, right??? I probably would not venture to contribute to blogs found on msn or some other sight. I've read them....I'm embarrassed for them. Do they realize how ridiculous they sound? Anyway, I guess we have finally arrived if the Davidsons are blogging. I look forward to hearing from other members of our family!! See you in cyberspace!
Well - what a talented writer you are! Keep 'em coming. ld
O - and by the way it's not password protected. But you keep baring your soul!
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