Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Stone Society

Ok - not exactly a club I wanted to be a part of. I mean - Ken has stones. Lisa has stones and Kristi has had a stone - but they got that from their dad, didn't they? That was the medical explanation. Then one day recently - I had in my possession my very own 5 mm kidney stone!

Now I have heard and been told that they are worse than labor and that most would rather give birth than have a kidney stone. Lisa tells me a 5 mm stone should cause excruciating pain and Ken says he would be rolling in the floor screaming. But - after 19 days of mild to moderate discomfort and nothing more than tylenol - it was over. Now, not to say I want another one - but don't compare it to childbirth. I've had both and I don't really think it compares. Maybe I'm just extra tough, or maybe I just had a "silent" one and the next won't be so easy. I say the next one because now I find out that I have multiple stones in both kidneys. And the wait begins. Nothing to do but let them do their thing when they are ready.

So, the only one left to experience our family pasttime is John. Yes, baby - you are next!!! Now it isn't that we would wish this malady on you - but your days are probably numbered. You know we have always enjoyed doing things together as a family. Your sister (I won't say which one) says she is going to laugh hysterically when you officially join this austere club of stoners! If and when that day comes - not to worry. We will all be right there to cheer you on and hold your hand. And maybe laugh hysterically.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with you sadistic people? You mean to tell me you would really wish harm on your own flesh and blood? Figures. I'll show you all. I'll bet my life's savings that I'll go through my whole life and never have one. Of course, I can do that pretty safely since i basically have no savings to lose.