Tuesday, July 1, 2008

From The Mouth of Babes!

Wow! Sometimes you have a conversation that blows your mind. I had such a one last week.

My eldest grandson dropped in and we had a theological discussion on heaven and hell. He had questions on the new heaven and the new earth. We read those verses in Revelation along with the commentary on those verses. He said "you know, the more I learn about heaven, the more I want to die and go there!" Gulp! He went on to say that he had lived a good long life (all 12 years of it) and he was ready to go. He knew where he was going. He said that some people become angry at God when loved ones die and that if he lost his family people would probably say to him "aren't you mad at God for taking your family?" He said he would tell them "why would I be mad at God? I know where they are and I am going there someday and then we will be together for eternity!" He said he sure didn't want to "go to the hot place."

I told him that everytime a loved one goes to heaven it makes us want to go all the more and I quoted the words from an old song, "I've got more to go to heaven for than I had yesterday".

I have loved ones there. I do have more to go to heaven for with each loved one who crosses over. I have grandparents, parents, brother, sister, 2 pre-born grandchildren and a host of other family and friends.

We just had a family reunion. Nothing here compares. Yep. Heaven's Sounding Sweeter Everyday.

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